Informasi: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20210226
New Features
[SuperScaler] Added: Easier ordering process with categories on top of page
[SuperScaler] Added: Ability to set billing contact in your account
[SuperScaler] Added: Additional permissions for contacts in the Billing section
[UserApi] Added: New API method to list available methods for specific service
[UserApi] Added: Option to use JWT for authentication
[UserApi] Added: Support for API request rate limit
Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: 2019 Domains order page Unable to order WHOIS ID protection
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Some invoice reminders did not work
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Invalid cycle in the cart for products with just setup fee set in recurring cycles.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Changing product does not remove previously set configuration.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Error when navigating to the product with pre-paid metered billing.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Contact privileges are not stored properly for a large number of services selected
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Functions did not show up in the cloud console.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: If no phone number set it errors out during credit card payment
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Error when sending invoice reminders
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Payment fails in cloud console for various payment gateways
[cPanel License] Fixed: Does not work according to the license package when creating/upgrading license
[UserApi] Fixed: Category list does not contain subcategories
[UserApi] Fixed: It is possible to disable 2factor authentication
[Domain] Fixed: Does not update domain status correctly