Informasi: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20201022
New Features
[SuperScaler] Affiliate Program updated with banners
[Cloud Server] Added: Option to set log lever for firewall rules
[Cloud Server] Changed: Updated firewall configuration to use modals
[WebSpace] ECDSA for SSL/TLS certificates
[WebSpace] WordPress Toolkit - WordPress Toolkit is a management interface that enables you to easily install, configure, and manage WordPress®
[DNS Hosting] Dynamic DNS - The Dynamic DNS (DDNS) feature simplifies access to networks that use a dynamic IP address. This feature automatically updates the zone records for a DDNS domain. Users can navigate to a static hostname that matches the website with the network’s IP address.
[Microsoft 365] New added agreement for end users
[WebSpace] Removed new installation option for MariaDB 10.1 because its upcoming End of Life
[Cloud Server] Firewall will not be activated by default during provisioning from now on.
Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Missing ability to add coupon in Domain name Order Page
[Cloud Server]: Fixed: Link to firewall logs download is broken.
[Support] Fixed: Missing MIME checks for attachments
[Support] Fixed: Tags are removed when submitting new support ticket with errors
Knowledge Base