Informasi: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20200709
New Features
[Cloud Server] Added: Backup add-on for Cloud Servers in Singapore.
[Cloud Server] Added: Snapshot add-on for Cloud Servers in Singapore.
[Domain] New: Fresh domain search interface that is easier and faster.
Bugs Fixed
[WebSpace] Fixed: Zone is not properly synchronised by the cPanel DNS Tool module if the zone name is more than 60 characters
[Domains] Fixed: Ordering pre-existing domain name without accented characters always return domain as unavailable
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Function 'Accept orders if the user is not verified' does not work on all orders
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Order is accepted after provisioning even if manual review step is enabled.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Provisioning step is not accepted after manual service creation.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Downgrading checkboxes does not reduce the recurring price
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Form prices are not updated.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: In some cases, cron does not function properly with mobile 2fa module enabled
Knowledge Base