Informasi: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20220613
New Features
[Cloud DNS] Added: Option to auto-increase serial post zone secure/desecure
Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: The validation checkbox in forms does not work.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: The client had the option to cancel the domain renewal invoice when the related option was disabled
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Requesting cancelation on a domain with the invoice issued for renewal does not remove it from related order items
[SuperScaler] Fixed: New customer accounts have the wrong country
[SuperScaler] Fixed: client can pay invoices for orders without accepting the contracts
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Contracts are not generated in some cases
[Cloud DNS] Fixed: Assigning a zone does not always work correctly
[Cloud DNS] Fixed: Cannot add zone when entry is in the auxiliary table
[Cloud DNS] Fixed: Adding slave zone with IPv6 master IP fails
[Cloud Infra] Fixed: Missing error on failed user suspension