Informasi: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20191118
New Features
[Affiliates] New Tier of commission plans
[Cloud Servers] Changed: Backup and snapshot schedule interval selection changed from 15min to 5min.
Bugs Fixed
[Notifications] Fixed: Emails about new order, invoice and estimate are always sent with default language.
[Client Area] Fixed: Mobile notifications for tickets are sent with escaped non-latin characters.
[Client Area] Fixed: Tax shown on upgrade page is off by few cents when customer is using different currency.
[Client Area] Fixed: Tax shown on upgrade page is invalid if discount is applied.
[Client Area] Fixed: More than one transaction for invoices was generated in 3D secure module
[Client Area] Fixed: Upgrade fee for package change is not recalculated to customer's currency.
[Client Area] Fixed: Upgrade fee for package change is not recalculated to client currency.
[Cloud Servers] Fixed: Missing translations
[UserAPI] Fixed: API did not worked / always returns http 401 on some apache installs & PHP 7.2.24