Access Jailed SSH using the command below,
ssh username@server_ip_address -p port_number
username: Username which you are trying to access
server_ip_address: Server actual IP address
port_number: Server port number
Password: Your Jailed SSH access password
After entering, you need to follow below,
- At the command line, type the following command, replacing USERNAME with your username:
mysql -u USERNAME -p
- At the Enter Password prompt, type your password. When you type the correct password, the mysql> prompt appears. Then you can execute the MySQL commands in there. The basic SQL queries are listed below,
To display a list of databases, type the following command at the mysql> prompt:
- show databases;
To access a specific database, type the following command at the mysql> prompt, replacing DBNAME with the database that you want to access:
- use DBNAME;
After you access a database, you can run SQL queries, list tables, and so on. Additionally:
To view a list of MySQL commands, type help at the mysql> prompt.
To exit the mysql program, type \q at the mysql> prompt.